Traveling Wolf Exhibit on Display at Hanson Nature Center
posted by Conservation

The Friends of Winnebago County Conservation Foundation, in conjunction with the Winnebago County Conservation Board, will be hosting a traveling exhibit at the Hanson Nature Center during the month of September. The exhibit is entitled, “Wolves and Wild Lands” and comes from the International Wolf Center in Ely, MN. The display will be open to the public throughout the month.
“Wolves and Wild Lands” brings to Winnebago County the compelling stories of wolves and their relationship with humans. The exhibit is comprised of six preserved taxidermy specimens, each presented in its human and natural-history context. Species included are the Arctic Wolf, Mexican Wolf, Coyote, Red Wolf, Rocky Mountain Wolf, and Great Plains Wolf. Graphics provide information about each of these animals. Feature topics include the most recent research and population statistics, as well as the human perspective on what it means to live with, or without, wolves.
The exhibit will be on display during open hours, or by appointment, at the Hanson Nature Center until the end of September.