Frequently Asked Questions
911 Communications
What questions will I be asked?
- Where?
- Where is the emergency? This is the most important piece of information you can give the dispatcher. Be aware of your surroundings, if you do not know the address and are outside; look around you for landmarks and cross streets. If you are traveling giving your last known location and your destination will help. If you are in a building, give the floor and apt number if appropriate. Never assume we already have your location. For more information go to Know Your Phone's Capabilities
- What?
- What is the emergency you are reporting? What kind of fire? What kind of accident? What kind of illness? What kind of conflict? If it is determined your call is not an emergency, you may be asked to call in on the business line.
- When?
- When did this incident start or happen? Is it happening now or did it happen yesterday?
- Who?
- Who is involved in the incident? Who is injured? Who is fighting? Who is in the burning building? What is your name?
- Call back number?
- In case we get disconnected we need a call back number. Or if we hang up and then need more information, we may call you back. Yes we have caller ID but we need to verify that it is correct and that it is the best number to call you back on.
General Information
Can I submit health and emergency contact information somewhere so that the 911 dispatcher will have that information if I need to call 911?
Yes. In three easy steps!
Go to
Enter your contact and health information and save
When should I call 911?
Call 911 for emergencies only.
What is an emergency?
An emergency is when there is an immediate threat to life and/or property. Including crimes in progress, all types of fires and serious illness or injury. If you are not sure, err on the side of safety and call 911.
What can I expect when I call 911?
You will be asked several important questions. Try to remain calm and focus on what the dispatcher is asking and answer all questions to the best of your ability. Don’t hang up until told to do so. You may be put on hold while emergency services are dispatched or your call may be transfered to another county if it is determined the emergency is located in another jurisdiction.
What if I can’t talk?
You can send a text from a cell phone or you can dial 911 and put the phone down so the dispatcher can hear what is happening. With the help of computers the dispatcher will try to find your location.
What if I dial 911 by accident?
If you dial by accident or the situation has resolved itself, stay on the line and let the dispatcher know what is happening. If you hang up, the dispatcher will assume something is wrong and call you back and/or send help to you anyway.
Why did my cell phone or device call 911 without me knowing?
Both Android and iPhones have crash detection and emergency SOS features that have the potential to trigger false 911 calls. When these features are triggered an alarm may sound, and a countdown timer will appear on the phone to give the user the ability to cancel. If you don't cancel the countdown, the phone will call 911. Phone settings can be changed or turned off depending on the phone.
What if my call is not an emergency?
The business lines are answered 24 hours a day by pressing ‘0’ for dispatch. The lines listed below all ring to the Public Safety Center.
- Winnebago Co Sheriff’s Dept
641-585-2828 or 800-473-2228 Opt 0
- Forest City Police Dept
641-585-2113 Opt 0
- Lake Mills Police Dept
641-592-2188 Opt 0
Can I pick up or request a ballot for someone else?
No. In Iowa you can only request an absentee ballot for yourself.
Can I request an absentee ballot by email or fax?
Yes. You may request an absentee ballot via email or fax and a ballot will be mailed to you. However, in order for your ballot to be counted you must also mail in or drop off the original paper ballot request.
Can I use power of attorney to request a ballot for my spouse, child or parent?
No. Under Iowa law, power of attorney does not apply for all election related matters.
Can someone else return my absentee ballot for me?
The only people who may return a ballot for a voter are:
- someone living in the voter’s household
- an immediate family member
- a special precinct election official delivering a ballot for health care residents
- a delivery agent, in the case of a voter unable to return a ballot due to blindness or other disability
Do I need to sign the return envelope of my absentee ballot?
Yes! Your absentee ballot cannot be counted unless you have signed the affidavit envelope that you return your ballot in. If we receive a ballot back that has not been signed we will attempt to contact you to get this fixed. Once contacted, you may decide to either:
- Request a replacement ballot and return it by 8:00 p.m. on election day
- Vote at the polls on election day
- Sign the affidavit in person at the county auditor’s office by 8:00 p.m. on election day
Do absentee ballots even get counted?
Yes. There is a myth that absentee ballots only get counted if the election is close, however, this is not true. Under Iowa law, every ballot must be counted.
What is the last day I can turn in my absentee ballot?
You are allowed to hand deliver your ballot to the Auditor’s office up until the time the polls close on Election Day. If you return your ballot through the mail, your ballot must arrive by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, with exceptions for individuals in the Safe at Home program and military/overseas citizens. Learn more on our Absentee Voting page.
Election Day
Can I get help marking my ballot?
Yes. If you need assistance filling out your ballot ask a poll worker for help. A team of one republican and one democrat will come over and help you mark your ballot. Also available in each polling location is a ballot marking device that will read you all of the choices and then print out your marked ballot.
Can I register to vote on Election Day?
Yes. Iowa law allows for Election Day registration if you are able to provide proof of identification (i.e. valid photo ID) and proof of residency (i.e. utility bill with your name on it if your ID has an outdated address on it). If you are unable to provide one or both of these you are allowed to bring someone with you to attest that you have the right to vote.
Can I take my absentee ballot to the polls on Election Day and vote there?
Yes. If you have not returned your absentee ballot you may go to your polling place on Election Day and vote a regular ballot.
Do I need to show ID to vote?
Beginning January 1, 2019, Iowa voters will be required to show a driver’s license, non-driver’s ID, passport, military ID, veterans ID, Tribal ID or Voter ID Card at the polls before they vote. Voters, starting in 2019, without an ID may cast a provisional ballot or have another registered voter attest to their identity.
I am already registered but my information needs updated; can I do that on Election Day?
Yes. While it is recommended that you update your information prior to Election Day to speed things up at the polls, you may wait and do so on Election Day. If you are updating your address just make sure you are going to the polling place for your new address. When updating your address you will now need to provide proof of identity and proof of residency.
I can't get out of my car; can someone bring me a ballot to vote from there?
Yes. If you are unable to go inside the polling place a team of election workers will be sent out to your car to help you vote.
I lost my absentee ballot; can I just go vote on Election Day?
Yes. When you go to vote, a poll worker will verify with the auditor’s office that your absentee ballot has not been returned. If it is confirmed that the auditor’s office has not received a ballot from you then you will be given a new ballot to vote there.
What do I need to bring with me to vote?
Starting in January of 2019 you will be required to show identification. If you need to register to vote on Election Day, you must bring proof of identification and proof of residency.
What if I lost my ID or forgot to take one with me to the polls?
Starting in 2019, if you do not have your ID with you, you may either cast a provisional ballot or have another registered voter attest to your identity. Learn more about provisional ballots and attesting on our Voter ID page.
What if I'm still waiting in line when the polls close?
So long as you are in line to vote at the time the polls close you will be allowed to vote.
What is a provisional ballot?
If a voter’s eligibility is in question on Election Day they are allowed to cast a provisional ballot. After the voter marks their ballot and returns it to the poll worker, the voter is required to provide the necessary identification or documentation at the polling place before it closes or provide it at the Auditor’s Office by noon on the following Monday. If the canvass will be held earlier than the following Monday, the identification must be provided before the canvass.
If it is determined that you do have the right to vote in the precinct in which you voted, your ballot will then be counted and included in the final vote total.
General Information
Can I get a new ballot if I make a mistake or lose my ballot?
Yes. If you make a mistake on an absentee ballot mark your return envelope “Spoiled” and return it to the Auditor’s office either by mail or in person. If you return it by mail contact the Auditor’s office to be sent a new one.
On Election Day if you make a mistake on your ballot, return it to the poll worker to receive a new one. You are allowed up to three ballots so don’t make too many mistakes!
Can I vote for someone that is not on the ballot?
Yes. For each race on the ballot, a line is provided for you to write-in the name of someone for whom you wish to vote for. Make sure you color in the oval!
Can an independent vote in a primary election?
Yes and No. In Iowa, you must be a member of a political party (currently: Republican and Democratic) to vote in a primary election. However, anyone* can change parties on Election Day and vote. For independents to vote they must declare a political party.
*Precinct election officials may not change political parties within 30 days of an election.
Do I have to vote for everything on the ballot?
No. You can vote for as much or as little as you would like; it’s all up to you!
If I change my mind on who I want to vote for after I have returned my ballot, can I get a new one?
No. If you have already returned your absentee ballot to the Auditor’s office you may not request a new ballot if you have changed your mind on who you wish to vote for.
If I chose a party do I have to vote for all of their candidates?
It depends on the election. In primary elections, you can only vote for candidates from the party to which you belong. In general elections, you are free to vote for anyone you like, regardless of their party affiliation.
What if I don't have an ID?
Registered voters who do not have an Iowa driver’s license or non-operator’s ID were issued a voter ID card. Voter ID cards must be signed before going to the polls. The new voter ID card will contain a PIN number that will be used for voting purposes. If you should have a voter ID card and do not, please contact our office to have one sent to you.
What is Voter ID?
Starting in 2019, voters must provide an ID when going to vote. Voters who do not have ID will be allowed to either cast a provisional ballot or have another registered voter attest to their identification. Learn more about provisional ballots and attesting on our Voter ID page.
There are 6 approved types of identification that may be used:
- an Iowa Driver’s License or Non-Operator ID
- a Voter ID issued by the Secretary of State or the Auditor’s Office
- a current US Passport
- a US Military ID
- a US Veteran’s ID
- a Tribal ID
Where do I vote?
Where you vote is determined by where you live and you must vote in the precinct to which you are assigned for your ballot to be counted. To find your polling place please visit the Polling Places page on our website.
Can I update my voter registration over the phone?
No. All updates to voter registration must be made in writing or online through the Iowa DOT if you have an Iowa driver’s license.
Can a homeless person register to vote?
Yes. Any eligible voter in Iowa may register to vote. Because many of those who are homeless have a nontraditional address they just need to provide an address or description of where they sleep the most, wherever that may be.
Can someone with a previous felony conviction vote?
Those with a prior felony conviction are only permitted to vote if their voting rights have been restored by the Governor, including through Executive Order. For more information about restoration of rights, contact the Governor’s office or visit the voter registration page on our website.
Do I have to register to vote for every election?
No. You would only need to re-register if your information has changed and you need to update it.
How do I update my address?
If you have moved recently and need to update your address for voting, all you have to do is fill out a new voter registration form and submit it to the Auditor’s office. If you do not update your address after a move through a new voter registration form and do not vote in the next general election, you will be marked inactive (inactive voters may still vote with proper ID). Registration will be canceled if two more general elections pass with no voter activity.
I just registered and received a card in the mail but there is a mistake on it; what do I do now?
If you notice a mistake on your voter card please contact the Auditor’s Office and/or submit a new registration form to correct your information.
I registered as an independent; why does my card say "NP" or "No Party"?
Iowa does not recognize an “independent” party. Instead, “No Party” is used to indicate a lack of affiliation with a political party.
Can I reserve a campsite?
Unfortunately, all our campsites are only available on a first-come, first-served basis. But, our campgrounds rarely fill up, so it’s usually pretty easy to find a site.
Do you allow pets or smoking in the Lake Catherine Cabin?
Smoking is not allowed in the cabin. Up to two pets are allowed for a $25/stay fee. Alcohol is allowed, although keg beer is not.
Do you have planting equipment that I can rent?
We do have several grass drills and tree planters available for rent. Check out our Equipment for Rent page to see what is available and how much rental costs are.
Do you hire seasonal employees?
Yes, we do! Each summer we hire a few seasonal employees to help with park maintenance or to drive a spray truck. If you’d like to apply, simply fill out this employment application and send it off to us, either through the mail or electronically. For more information about this job or possible future jobs, you can contact WCCB Director Chris Barber.
How can I book a program for my group?
If you have a group that would like to have a program, just contact our Naturalist, Lisa Ralls, and she can arrange something! A list of available programs is listed on our Environmental Education page. Although that is a listing of available school programs, those programs can also be presented to other groups, as well. And, if you have an idea for a different program, that could probably also be arranged!
How can I reserve the Lake Catherine Cabin?
First, please check out the calendar on the Lake Catherine Cabin page to find out which dates are open. Once you know which dates you want, fill out the reservation form and return it, along with your cabin rental fee, either through the mail or electronically. You can pay either by check or by credit/debit card. (Credit/debit card convenience fees will apply.) Once we receive those, we will contact you with your door code for the cabin. You are then good to go!
How many campsites do you have?
We have 15 campsites at Thorpe Park and 8 sites at Dahle Park.
How much does camping cost?
The electrical/water sites at Thorpe Park cost $12/night, while the primitive, tent-only sites are $8/night. All Dahle Park sites are $10/night.
How much does the Lake Catherine Cabin cost?
Weeknights (Sunday through Thursday) are $61.00, while Friday and Saturday nights cost $77.00. We usually require a two-night stay on weekends (both Friday and Saturday nights) during the summer months.
What amenities do you have at your campgrounds?
Thirteen of the sites at Thorpe Park have both electrical and water hookups, while the Dahle Park sites have electrical hookups only. Each campground also has a water spigot and pit toilets. Neither campground has flush toilets, showers, or a dump station. We sometimes have free firewood available, although it is recommended that campers bring their own.
What should I do with the “orphaned” animal or bird that I found?
Unless you are certain that an animal or bird is injured or in imminent danger, the best thing to do is leave it alone! Most “orphaned” babies are not orphaned at all; their parents are usually around watching over their youngsters. Baby animals and birds do not have “babysitters” and are often left alone while their parents are looking for food to bring back. Raising a wild baby is very difficult and requires a lot of work and expertise; so unless a baby animal or baby bird is injured, it usually has a much better chance of survival when it is raised by its own parents.
Road Department
How many miles of roads do we have in Winnebago County?
There are 565 miles of gravel roads and 148 miles of paved roads in the county.
How do I report a road complaint?
For emergencies, please dial 911. For non-emergencies, please call the County Engineer’s office at 641-585-2905.
How do I get the gravel road by my house treated for dust control?
Contact an approved dust control contractor to arrange for service. They will help you obtain a County permit and submit the fee. The contractors will coordinate with the County to ensure proper road maintenance in the dust-controlled areas.
See our dust control section for further information.
When will my road be plowed?
Normal snow removal hours are between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. However, depending on snow and visibility conditions the snow removal may be altered, delayed, or suspended.
See our snow removal section for further information.
What is the best way to remove snow from my driveway near the road?
Here are some best practices to ensure cooperation with the County:
- Avoid making piles by the road. They are dangerous and can cause drifting to worsen.
- Clear snow from around mailboxes after the storm. Snow plows have a difficult time maneuvering around mailboxes, especially when they are buried in snow and hard to see.
- Avoid pushing snow onto or across the road. Pushing snow across the road can cause piles in the opposite ditch, resulting in snow traps. The snow that spills off of the edges of your plow can be packed down or frozen and be a hazard for motorists and county plows.
See our snow removal section for further information.
My mailbox was damaged by a snowplow, what do I do?
Mailboxes may be damaged during snow events. If a sound mailbox is damaged by a snow plow, the County will make temporary repairs so you can receive your mail. New mailbox posts will be installed in the spring. If the damage is caused by the force of the flying snow the County does not assist in the repair of the mailbox. Please report damaged mailboxes to the County Engineer’s Office.
See our Mailbox Replacement Policy for more information.
How do I get an Oversize/Overweight permit?
Permit forms can be printed from our website or picked up from the County Engineer’s Office. Permits can be mailed, emailed, or dropped off. Permits are usually reviewed within 1-2 business days.
See our Oversize/Overweight permits section for further information.
How do I get a permit to install a new driveway, or widen or move an existing driveway?
Permit forms can be printed from our website or picked up from the County Engineer’s Office. Permits can be mailed, emailed, or dropped off. Permits are usually reviewed within 5-10 business days. Once you have a permit, you can hire a contractor or complete the work yourself.
See our Driveways and Entrance Permits section for further information.
How do I get a permit to work in the ditch/ Right of Way?
Permit forms can be printed from our website or picked up from the County Engineer’s Office. Permits can be mailed, emailed, or dropped off. Permits are usually reviewed within 5-10 business days. Once you have a permit, you can hire a contractor or complete the work yourself.
Driver's License
Can I schedule a driving test?
We do driving tests Monday - Friday by appointment only. We do not do CDL or motorcycle drive tests.
For a CDL driving test, Visit the Iowa DOT website to schedule an appointment.
How can I view my driving record?
Get a noncertified copy of your driving record at no charge. It is for reference only and cannot be used for official or legal purposes. Click here to access Non Certified Driving Record
Purchase a certified copy of your driving record for $5.50 plus an online processing fee of $3.00. This record is your official driving record certified by the Iowa DOT and can be used for official or legal purposes. Click here to purchase Certified Driving Record from the Iowa DOT
How do I add or change my Emergency Contact information?
We will verify your Emergency Contact information with you at your driver's license appointment or you can manage your Emergency Contact information anytime online by logging in with your Iowa driver’s license or identification card.
How do I decide whether I need a Real ID-marked Driver's license or ID card?
New applicants - New applicants are already required to bring all the required documents needed to qualify for a REAL ID-marked card. If you are new to Iowa or are newly returned to the state and you successfully complete the requirements for an Iowa driver's license or ID card, you will be issued a REAL ID-marked card.
Current driver's license or ID card holders - If you currently hold a driver's license or ID card that is not marked as REAL ID-compliant (gold star), you can decide whether you want to apply for a REAL ID-marked card. If you will use your card for federal official purposes (i.e., boarding federally regulated commercial aircraft, accessing federal facilities that require identification to enter, or entering nuclear power plants), then you may want to apply for a REAL ID-marked card.
If you do not currently use your card for these purposes and do not expect to in the future, you may decide you don’t need a REAL ID-marked card.
Also, if you have another form of federal identification you can use for these purposes, such as a valid U.S. passport or passport card, you may decide you don’t need a REAL ID-marked card.
Already have an Iowa driver's license or ID card with a REAL ID star? Then there is nothing more to do. You can continue to renew your driver's license or ID card as usual, and it will continue to be marked with a REAL ID star.
How do I sign up for Parent-Taught Driver's Education?
Parent-taught driver education was created and authorized by the Iowa legislature for parents that wish to teach driver education to their own children. There are 3 simple steps to meet requirements. Click here to be linked to the requirements, process, and Iowa DOT approved courses.
How does my child get a school permit?
July 1, 2024 the Minor School License became the Special Minor's Restricted License. Your child must have taken driver's education and have held their permit for 6 months with no accidents or citations. They will need to a completed Affidavit for Special Minor's Resctricted License (form 430021) and have it signed by their principal. Most schools have these at their disposal.
How much will an ID cost?
An ID costs $8 and is good for 8 years. The same documents are needed to get an ID as getting a driver's license.
How much will my license cost?
An operator’s license is $4 per year.
A CDL is $8 per year.
I got my license renewed but the expiration only shows it’s good for one month?
Yes, the paper license is a temporary document and expires in 30 days. Your real plastic license should arrive in the mail within that time frame. If it has not arrived in 30 days, please call the number on the back of the paper copy to see if it has been returned to them, if they can track it for you, or if they can give us permission to reissue. You can also view the status of your driver’s license/ID card request online.
I lost my driver's license, how can I get a new one?
Call our office at 641-585-5387 to make an appointment to replace your license.
I’m 16, what do I need to do to get my license?
You will need to bring in a parent and your current permit. You must have taken driver's ed, held a permit for one year, and have a clean driving record for the past six months. You may be required to complete a drive test if your driver’s education instructor requires it, or if you completed the Parent-Taught Driver’s Education Program.
I’m 17, what do I need to do to get my full license?
You will need to bring in a parent to sign if you are under 18. You must have held the intermediate license for a year with a clean record. After you turn 18, those requirements are no longer needed.
My child drives to their other parent's house every other week. Can we put two addresses on their school permit?
Yes, your child must carry the completed form 430022 (Parental Consent for Special Minor's Restricted License) with them in their vehicle as part of their requirents for the Special Minor's Restricted License. This form allows for up to 3 residential addresses to be listed. A new form is required to be completed and carried if the information changes.
My license has been suspended or revoked, what are my requirements to reinstate my license?
You can view your reinstatement requirements if your driver license is suspended or revoked or call our office at 641-585-5387 and we can look up your requirements for you.
What does my child need to take their permit test?
They will need their birth certificate, social security card, 2 pieces of mail with their name and address, and a parent with them. If the parent cannot be present, they will need to bring in a signed Parent/Guardians Written Consent Form. Be sure to complete each section and answer all questions regarding the credential your minor is requesting.
What is the phone and fax number to the Iowa DOT?
Phone: 515-244-9124
Fax: 515-239-1837
When can I renew my driver’s license?
You can renew in our office 30 days before and up to 60 days after your expiration date. If you are over a year expired you will have to complete all testing.
Mobile Homes and Trailers
How do I complete a title transfer for a mobile or manufactured home?
A new owner has 30 days to present the properly assigned title to the County Treasurer so that a title can be issued in the new owner's name.
All documents must be completed in black or blue ballpoint pen and either mailed or through an appointment to transfer the title.
Seller(s) complete
- Title assignment: Buyer(s) name and address on the assignment line. Up to three names may be listed as owners on a title
- Date of Sale
- Signature of seller: If jointly owned with the name connector 'AND', both sellers must sign
Buyer(s) complete
- The Iowa Application for Iowa Title and/or Registration Form (Iowa DOT form 411007)
- Owner Information
- All buyers must complete owner information (1, 2, & 3) and are required to sign at the bottom of the application
- Vehicle Information
- Completed by using the information on the title
- Security Interest Information
- If there is a lien to be noted on the title, provide all information requested. If no lien against the vehicle, print “none” after the words “If none, so state.”
- Purchase Price
- Must be declared on new mobile homes or first time title if no tax has been paid.
- “Use Tax” will be imposed on manufactured housing and mobile homes at the rate of 5 percent. *Fee increases to 5% + $10.00 January 1, 2025. The tax is based on 20 percent of the purchase price. If no tax is due, complete page 2 of the Application for Tax Exemption using UT08. More information on “Use Tax” can be found in Iowa Administrative Code 701.250.
- Owner Information
Mobile homes or Manufactured Housing
A mobile home tax clearance is required for the transfer of a mobile/manufactured home. The tax clearance form will be completed by the last county that collected the mobile home tax. The transfer of ownership will be completed in the county where the mobile/manufactured home is located. To obtain a tax clearance, the owner who sells a home between July 1 and December 31 must pay the September tax installment and is not required to pay the March tax installment. The owner who sells a home between January 1 and June 30 must pay the March tax installment. All delinquent taxes and Tax Sales must be paid in full.
How do I complete a title transfer for a trailer?
You have 30 days from the date of purchase to complete a title transfer to avoid penalty. All trailer transfers require a completed Application for Certificate of Title and/or Registration [DOT form 411007].
Small Trailers
Small trailers weighing 2000 lbs. empty weight or less only require registration and do not need to be titled.
- Completed Application for Certificate of Title and/or Registration
- A bill of sale, the prior owner’s registration signed over, or a title (if coming from a state that issues titles on small trailers)
- a weight slip is helpful for determing the actual weight of the trailer if there is any question as to whether it is over or under 2000 lbs.
- a photo of the trailer along with any additional photos of distinguishing marks/labels will allow for a more accurate record of the trailer.
- If brand new, small trailers are required to have bill or sale or dealer invoice and may have a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin.
Annual Registration Fee: $20
Large Regular/Semi Trailers
Large Regular/Semi trailers weigh over 2000 lbs. empty weight and are titled and registered in Iowa.
- Completed Application for Certificate of Title and/or Registration
- A properly assigned title
- If brand new, large trailers are required to have a bill of sale or dealer invoice and a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin.
Title Fee: $25 *Fee increases to $35.00 January 1, 2025
Annual Registration Fee: $30
Homemade Trailers
If you have built a trailer weighing 2000 lbs. or less:
- You must complete and submit the Application for Certificate of Title and/or Registration to your County Treasurer
If the trailer weighs more than 2000 lbs.:
- You will need to have a VIN assigned by the Iowa DOT
- Contact the Iowa DOT’s Investigation Bureau for instructions on how to obtain an Iowa assigned VIN.
Motor Vehicles
Can I put a vehicle title into someone else’s name?
Yes. The new owner does not need to be present at the time of transfer. However, the new owner will have to have the appropriate forms completed beforehand. If you are transferring a title on behalf of another person, you may download Form 411007 from the Iowa DOT website. They must complete and sign this form.
Do I have to have an appointment?
Depending on what you need to do. If you are only needing to renew your registration(s), turn in plates for refunds, swap out for vanity plates, or do a title transfer you do NOT need an appointment. Please allow appropriate time to complete your transacation as our last transaction will be 4:00 PM daily.
Driver’s License is the only department within the Treasurer’s office that requires appointments.
Do I need a junking certificate?
Owners of a motor vehicle can dispose of a vehicle to a licensed recycler for scrap or junk without a certificate of title or a junking certificate IF:
- The motor vehicle is twelve model years old or older, and
- The motor vehicle is sold to the vehicle recycler for less than $1,000
How can we pay vehicle registrations?
For vehicle registrations, you can do that:
- on the Iowa Treasurers website
- at the counter or
- by mail
How do I apply for a lost or replacement title?
Complete the Application for Replacement of Iowa Certificate of Title to a Motor Vehicle (Iowa DOT Form 411033). The application must be signed by all owners and must be returned to the county the title originated. If there is an open lien on the vehicle, the application will need to be signed by the lien holder.
If there is an open lien on the title, but the lien holder does not have an interest in the vehicle any longer, they may complete a separate notarized Cancellation of Security Interest (Iowa DOT Form 411168) form.
A notarized letter from the security interest holder on their letterhead paper is acceptable if it has the following information:
- Make
- Year
- Owners name(s) and address
Once the application is received there is a mandatory 5-day waiting period before the replacement title can be issued. The fee for a replacement title is $25.00. *Fee increases to $35.00 January 1, 2025
How do I get a replacement title?
Download Form 411033 from the Iowa DOT website.
There is a 5-day waiting period if the original title is lost. (If the original has been altered or spoiled in some way, please submit the original title to us with Form 411033 and we will process a replacement title in the same day.)
Anybody whose name is on the face of the title MUST sign the replacement application.
The replacement title must be ordered where the title was made (county-specific). The fee is $25.00. *Fee increases to $35.00 January 1, 2025
How do I get a salvage title vehicle inspected?
You must complete the inspection form on the DOT website and then contact the sheriff’s office to schedule an inspection with them.
How do I order personalized/vanity license plates?
Most personalized license plates can be ordered online on the Iowa DOT website.
How do I store a vehicle I'm not using?
To place your vehicle in storage, you must surrender your license plates and registration for each vehicle to the Treasurer on or before the last day of the month following the owner's registration renewal month. You can re-register your vehicle at any time in the future with the payment of the full annual tax due at that time. You CANNOT store any delinquent plates or first ½ truck, truck tractor or farm special plates.
How do you transfer a title after the death of the owner?
With Probate
If the individual’s death went through probate, the person(s) assigned as the executor(s) must use their Letter of Appointment to properly assign the title to a new owner. The Letter of Appointment must be provided with the title to the new owner. If the title is not available, the executor(s) can apply for a replacement title using the Letter of Appointment and the Application for Replacement of Iowa Certificate of Title to a Motor Vehicle (Iowa DOT form 411033).
Without Probate
If the individual’s death did not go through probate, the vehicle can be transferred to the next of kin using the Certification of Death Testate (With a Will) (Iowa DOT form 411083) or Affidavit of Death Intestate (Iowa DOT form 411088) form. If the person entitled to the vehicle is not the next of kin but is given the vehicle per a will, then they also can use the Certification of Death Testate (With a Will) (Iowa DOT form 411083). A copy of the death certificate must be provided at the time of transfer. If there are any unreleased security interests on the vehicle, those will carry forward to the new owner unless a separate, notarized Cancellation of Security Interest (Iowa DOT form 411168) or an original letter on the lien holder’s letterhead releases interest. The letter must be notarized and contain the following information:
- Make
- Year
- Owner’s name(s) and address
- Signature of authorized person
How much will my registration cost?
Registration fees are determined by Iowa Statute which factors in the type of vehicle, the manufacturer’s list price, the age of the vehicle, and the vehicle's weight. To estimate your registration fee, please see the Registration Fees by Vehicle Type.
I lost my renewal notice and do not have my Web PIN. How can I renew my registration online?
Renewal Notices are created and mailed by a third party and counties do not have the ability to reprint them.
If you do not have your Web PIN, you can also use the Audit Number that is included on the bottom left portion of your current vehicle registration to renew online. See the following Example Vehicle Registration.
If you do not have your current vehicle registration, you can contact us to obtain your Web PIN.
I purchased a vehicle with a salvage title. How do I obtain a regular title?
Individuals or organizations that purchase a salvage vehicle with a salvage title must transfer the title in their county of residence within 30 days of purchase.
In order to transfer your salvage title to a regular title, you must first have the vehicle repaired, inspected, and titled within 30 days of the date of purchase.
I want to sell my vehicle for junk/scrap. How do I obtain a junking certificate?
Junking certificates are only issued on titled vehicles. If you sell your vehicle for junk or scrap, the purchaser must surrender the title to the County Treasurer in their county of residence within 30 days and apply for a junking certificate.
If the owner junks or dismantles a vehicle, they must:
- Surrender the title and registration
- Surrender the license plates (unless the plates are being transferred to a replacement vehicle)
- Apply for a junking certificate using the Application for Junking Certificate (DOT form#411123)
I'm in the military. Can I place my vehicle in storage while I'm on active duty?
If the vehicle is registered for the current year and the owner has entered the military service of the United States in time of war and the vehicle has been placed in storage, a refund may be applied for on the unexpired months of the registration year by making a verbal statement.
Registration plates must be turned in. Upon the owner's return to the state of Iowa, the vehicle will be registered for the remaining months of the registration year.
I'm in the military. Do I need to register my vehicle in Iowa if I'm stationed in Iowa on active duty?
Iowa Residents
A member of the armed forces who is a resident of Iowa must pay the same registration fees that apply to other residents when registering a vehicle in this state.
If you are a nonresident member of the armed forces you are not required to register a vehicle in Iowa provided that your vehicle is properly registered in your state of residency.
A nonresident may register a vehicle in this state, if desired, in the same manner as any nonresident, with the following exceptions that apply to passenger cars:
- The fee on a passenger car or multipurpose vehicle is based on vehicle weight; the part based on value is not included.
- Application for registration of a passenger car or multipurpose vehicle must include a certification of residency, attested to by the commanding officer of the nonresident.
If paying registration online, where can I find my PIN?
Your PIN is specific to you and should not change so you can use it from year to year. The PIN is located on your renewal notice in the top right-hand corner. If you cannot find it, you can contact our office at 641-585-4430.
Questions about abandoned vehicles?
Visit the Iowa DOT website for more information.
What happens if I don't pay my registration renewal within my renewal window?
If you fail to pay your registration renewal within your renewal window, a penalty is assessed at a rate of 5% of the annual renewal amount, per vehicle, per month with a $5.00 per vehicle minimum. If the last day of the month is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, renewals can be completed on the first business day of the following month without added penalty.
When is a title required for a vehicle?
All motor vehicles, mobile homes, travel trailers, and semi-trailers must be titled (exception: regular and semi trailers with an empty weight of 2,000 lbs. or less are only registered).
Property Taxes
How can we pay taxes?
You may pay by any of the following convenient ways:
- Through the mail. Postmark must be by September 30 for the first half payment and March 31 for the second half payment to avoid penalty.
- In our office at the Courthouse from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Online through the Iowa Treasurer's website. You must have the 5-digit receipt number located on your tax statement available.
What and when is a tax sale?
The tax sale is the sale of any unpaid property taxes within the county as of the first part of June. The tax sale is held electronically on the third Monday in June. Bidders will place their bids online and the auction site can be accessed by going to Bidders must complete registration prior to the tax sale and all steps in the registration process must be completed by the specified registration deadline each year.
What is the penalty if property taxes are paid late?
1.5% penalty is assessed per month after the due date.
When are property taxes due?
Because we run on a fiscal year and not a calendar year:
- First half taxes are September 1st, delinquent October 1
- Second half taxes are due March 1st, delinquent April 1
When do I receive my property tax billing/statement?
Taxes are billed every fall and statements typically go out in the mail in mid-late August.
Where can I find my receipt number to pay taxes online?
Your receipt number is printed on your statement. If you need assistance finding your receipt number please call our office at 641-585-2322.
Where do I file for homestead credit?
Almost all credits are applied for through the Assessor's Office.*
*The one we handle is the elderly/disabled credit which is a paper that has to be completed each year. It is due by June 1st and you’re qualified based on yearly household income.
Recreational Vehicles
How do I complete a title transfer for Towable Recreational Vehicles?
Towable recreational vehicles are designed as a place of human habitation for vacation or recreational purposes. The annual registration fee for towable recreational vehicles is based on the model year and square footage.
- Completed Application for Certificate of Title and/or Registration
- A properly assigned title if the towable recreational vehicle is used, or
- The Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin and a bill of sale from the dealership if the towable recreational vehicle is new.