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Dust Control Permit

Winnebago County maintains over 750 miles of unpaved roads, which can become dusty in the summer months. Apply for a Dust Control permit to help!

Permit Process

  1. Contact an Approved Contractor to obtain a Winnebago County Permit
  2. Submit a signed permit and fee to the contractor:
    1. Fee is $25 before May 15
    2. Fee is $50 after May 15
  3. Schedule dust control with contractor

Dust Control Permit Application

Approved Contractors

Deano’s Dust Control

14711 210th Street
Mason City, Iowa 50401
641-421-8622 (call or text)
[email protected]

Freeborn County Coop Oil

1840 Margaretha Ave.
Albert Lea, MN 56007

Wessels Oil Co Inc

421 Railroad Ave
Palmer, IA 50571
800-426-0016 (toll-free)

Services Provided by the County

  • Gravel county roads will be bladed county-wide throughout the summer months.
  • The contractor will notify the county prior to application so the area can be prepared for dust control application
  • Dust-controlled areas will be reworked as necessary to maintain a safe roadway. Special efforts will be made to avoid blading in those areas to maximize the useful life of the dust control agents.

Dust Control Policy

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