Rice Lake Paving Project
Contact Information Needed from residents
Please click the button to submit contact information so that we can send you updates and notices for the project and contact you with site specific issues, such as driveways, retaining walls, or drainage concerns.
Update: January 14, 2025
Arneson Tree Service has been hired by the County to perform tree work in the Rice Lake area. The work is expected to begin around February 1 and take approximately 4 weeks. Along 235th Avenue, the scope of work is to clear all trees, logs, and stumps from the 66 foot wide road right-of-way. There are some mature hardwood trees that will remain. Within the subdivision, trees will be removed or cut to accommodate construction. A path 20 feet tall and 2 feet wider than the street on each side is needed. If you have questions about trees on or near your property, please call the County Engineer's Office.
Update: November 5, 2024
The County Engineer is in the process of developing plans for the project and will be on-site to make decisions about pavement, driveways, mailboxes, trees, and other specific project details. The County has contacted Rice Lake Golf and Country Club, Izaak Walton, and the Iowa DNR about formalizing right-of-way for the access road from A34 to the clubhouse entrance. Izaak Walton and Iowa DNR have signed agreements. Legal work for right-of-way concerns within the subdivisions is behind schedule. The bid letting date is a moving target at this point and now expected to take place late spring, 2025.
Update: June 14, 2024
There is little progress this month. The County is considering and obtaining quotes to clear trees along the road between Izacc Walton and the Clubhouse. HRS Surveying has been hired to help locate the existing right-of-way lines back in the housing area. You may notice their trucks and personnel.
Update: May 9, 2024
The County Engineer's Office is working on plans for resurfacing the roads around Rice Lake during the summer of 2025. This project would include Lakeside Drive, Linden Lane, Maple Drive, Golf Avenue, and 235th Avenue. Leading up to the project, some preliminary goals include confirming right-of-way, evaluating obstructions near the road, clustering mailboxes, house-mounting address markers, and evaluating drainage. With your cooperation, this project will move along quickly.
The Board of Supervisors has begun the process to secure $525,000 through Tax Increment Financing to pay for the project. Notice will be sent toward the end of may to affected land owners.