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Booking area of Winnebago County jail in Forest City, Iowa.Contact Information

Phone: 641-585-3632
Fax: 641-585-8811

The jail phone will not be answered during mealtimes, court times, and lockdowns.

Inmate Visitation


Clergy must contact Jail Administrator to setup visitation.

Visitation Procedure

Hours and Scheduling

A visitor must be pre-approved by the inmate. Inmate visitation is on Wednesdays from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

A visit must be scheduled by calling the Jail at 641-585-3632 between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on the Saturday or Sunday before the visitation on Wednesday. Visits are limited to 20 minutes and inmates are limited to two visitation sessions per visitation day.

Inmates are limited to one session per visitor, and they cannot use both sessions for the same person. There is only one visitor allowed per session. All visitors must be pre-approved by the Jail Administrator.

All visitors must complete a Visitor Registration form at least once a month and more often as required by Jail Staff. You should arrive early to allow time to complete the registration form. To insure all scheduled visitors have the opportunity to visit, you must arrive on time for your visit, or your visit may be denied. You may also download the Visitor Registration Form and complete it prior to your arrival.

Visitor Registration Form

Visitation Rules

  • All visitations will be monitored and recorded.
  • Inmate must be incarcerated in jail for seven days before they are eligible for visitation.
  • Persons with a valid warrant for their arrest anywhere in the nation will not be able to visit an inmate regardless of the pickup limitations of the warrant.
  • Persons who have been incarcerated in the Winnebago County Jail within the last 60 days may not visit an inmate. Persons directly involved with an inmate case (victim, co-defendant etc.) will not be allowed to visit without a court order.
  • There is no smoking on county property and all visitors are subject to search upon entering the jail facility. All Jail and County rules must be observed by visitors.
  • Disruptive behavior in the visitation room by children or adults will not be tolerated. Any disruptive behavior by any person, visitor or inmate and the visitation will be terminated.

Complete Visitation Rules

Contacting Inmates


All incoming and outgoing mail shall have the complete forwarding address on the front center of the envelope and the complete return address on the front upper left side of the envelope. Any letter without a return address will be returned to the Post Office. Envelopes with graffiti, written or picture style, anywhere on the envelope will be returned to the Post Office. Mail cannot be dropped off at the Jail. Inmate mail must be received at the jail from the U.S. Post Office.

Envelopes cannot contain stickers or any material with glue, glitter ink, and magazine or newspaper clippings. Envelopes containing any materials other than letters written in ink will be placed in the inmate's property container.

Inmate Address

935 Hwy 69 N.
Forest City, IA 50436

Phone Cards

Family and friends may set up collect calling accounts or purchase jail phone cards and texting abilities online through Reliance Telephone's website.

You may also contact Reliance Telephone at 800-896-3201 to set up accounts and purchase phone cards or texting abilities for an inmate. Inmates may purchase phone cards at the jail. All texting purchases must be done online through Reliance Telephone.

Repliance Telephone Website

Property Inmates Can Receive

Property that inmates can receive at the jail is very limited. Inmates may receive the following property items:

  • Money for commissary purchases, including phone cards
  • Cash for commissary items
    • Can be dropped off during normal business hours at the jail
  • Prescription Medications that can be verified.
  • Paperback books are allowed but must be donated to the Jail Library.
    • The jail does have an assortment of books for inmates to read. Any paperback books brought to the jail for a specific inmate will be donated to the Jail Library and the inmate will be the first to read the book. An inmate is allowed a personal Bible and will be allowed to keep it.

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